Saturday, February 26, 2011


I know I promised to write a new blog every week, but that was also when I thought my braces were going to come off by March 16th. Oh, did I just spoil the ending to this post?

So after my trip home I stopped by the ortho because I had a tooth going waaaaay out of line. Turns out this was because its tie had somehow come off, so it was a good thing I went.

UNTIL, I heard the words, "hmmmm there seems to be something off with your bite. Let me get the doctor."

Now I don't really know the details because they were vague and I honestly I'm not exactly sure they understand why, but my bite is off on one side. My question was obviously," Is this going to cause a delay?" The answer, "OF COURSE."

When are they coming off? NO IDEA.

I am losing hope. But I am not losing my imagination. Last night I had a horrible dream, where they took my braces off and immediately my teeth started shifting into a horrible configuration, way worse than ever before I got braces, and the only way to make them stop moving... was to put them back on. It was quite a nightmare.

It's clearly time for them to come off. Obviously. I mean, I worked at a doctor's office part-time, so I know about these kinds of things.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby Love

I assumed, oh a week in Michigan? I'll wear my rubber bands all the time. I'll have nothing else to do right?

Well wrong on both accounts. I am doing a lot of baby holding. Which is AWESOME. I am in love with this tiny little person.

Also, it is difficult to constantly wear rubber bands while also constantly trying to snack. I even tried to chew with them in. Bad idea.

But another week is down!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You Only Have Yourself to Blame

And by you I mean me. I mean I. I only have myself to blame.

I woke up this morning, and since it was my only morning to sleep past 8, I did. 9:30 rolls around and I think, "today might be a good day to get my ties changed. They are pretty yellowed and I don't want to meet my new niece with yellow braces. How rude! What would she think of her crazy/ cool Actress Aunt from L.A.?"

So off I go to Santa Monica (... mmm... smell the ocean with me). Laying in the chair I interject, "you know, my real appointment is only two weeks away if you wanna do stuff today?"

He takes a look, the doc takes a look. Then comes the question, "How are you doing with those rubber bands?"

Now unlike every other visit where he doesn't even ask and just commends me on my work, this stings a little. Because I know what he means. In the beginning of December I got an awesome 2nd job waiting tables at The Foundry on Melrose. It is considered fine dining (I know seriously, who am I?) so I haven't worn my rubber bands to work. Not once.

After a while, since I was already used to not wearing them to work, sometimes I didn't wear them to my other job, which is in a mall, and its OBVIOUSLY totally acceptable to wear them. Then I would slack on nights when my jaw hurt. Then I would prolong putting them back on after eating thinking... maybe I'll have another chip. A chip I shouldn't be eating in the first place.

I only have myself to blame.

The good news is, he said everything else is done. Everything except my overbite, which is moved with the rubber bands.

My hope is to have these suckers off by March 16th, exactly 1 year. So when I expressed this hope to the doc, and asked if it is reasonable, he replied that if I continue with the bands the way I have been, absolutely not in a million years would they come off in 6 weeks.

I have doubled up a rubber band on the right side. Yup. 2 on one side pulling the same teeth. And I essentially have to wear them all the time.

So for those who still read this. Who did not give up hope for me when the blogs ceased this winter, I ask one thing of you. If you see me without rubber bands - Tell me to put them on. If you live in a different state and won't see me before they are off- Text, Call, Email, Walkie Talkie, or throw a note in a bottle, and help me keep these sweet bands on so I can get these sweet braces OFF! I NEED YOU!