Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Good Hurt

You know when you go for a run or lift weights and your muscles start to really ache and although it hurts and all you want to do is stop you know that means it is working and your muscles are getting stronger? You know the good hurt? That's what my teeth feel like today.

Yesterday was my regular orthodontic checkup or as I like to call it, "going in to get my teeth cranked." Again, for what feels like the hundredth time I forgot to take asprin beforehand. The pain was tolerable this time but the tech said , and I quote, "you just looked at me with murder in your eyes." Whoops.

There have been additions to my braces!! I got something called a button glued to the inside of one of my teeth. (circled in red, the red arrow is pointing out my new zit. My face is still getting used to the California smog).

So this button is there to pull that tooth back in line and create a new rubber band configuration seen here:

But don't be fooled. I still have to add the other three rubber bands I had going with this awkward inside out band. I LOVE IT! IT HURTS SO GOOD!!!

I did ask Dr. Newhart in a round about way when they were coming off and he caught on to me. He is too smart for me! But he did say my teeth were moving beautifully and I could ask when they were coming off next time, which is December 16th!!!!

The pain of it all was quickly forgotten by my unexpected hang out with an old college friend who happened to be in LA!

1 comment:

  1. I got a shout out!!!! Thanks! And thank you so much for hosting me that entire day. It rocked and I had SUCH a good time. High five to the train car bar. The rest of the trip was great- I returned to NYC yesterday and am ready and raring to go. Please keep me posted if there is anything I can do for that other project. All the best to you! -A


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