I popped by my orthodontist's office this morning. And by popped by I mean I dragged my body out of bed at 6:45 AM to make it to her office 5 minutes late for my appointment at 8AM. I still don't know the definition of a "morning person." I was there to get my "bite rim" replaced because I was so hungry I chewed it off... while I was sleeping. For those of you not up on braces lingo the "bite rim" is the 2 pieces of ceramic glued to the back of my teeth which cause my bite/ chewing problem. Well, now they are metal: less chew-through-able.

After all the ladies in the office and I had a good chuckle about my liquid diet and the opportunity to lose some unwanted weight, I looked at my Dr. and said "When I come back in 4 weeks these are coming off right?" And now an excerpt of dialogue:
Act 1, Sc. 3 - "The Waiting Room"
Dr. V: Oh, no no. We still need to move the back teeth.
Me: So will I ever be able to chew?
Dr. V: (laughing) Of course! We aren't going to leave you not being able to bite!
Me: Oh so after my next visit I will maybe be able to bite?
Dr. V: Oh, no no it will be a couple of visits.
(Pregnant pause while I let it sink in for the reader, what this statement means...)

I don't know how this fact got past me at my first appointment. I imagine it might have had something to do with the pain shooting through my jaw and the embarrassment rolling down my cheeks. What she said was, these are temporary, we will take them off. What I heard was we will take them off next time.
Today was not exactly the high point of my braces adventure. In fact I even felt a little discouraged. And I am almost ashamed to admit to the situation that progressed. Please don't judge me. These are desperate times. And I had a problem that needed to be addressed...
I put MEAT in the blender.
Ok, I don't have a blender. I have a smoothie maker. But it's the same idea.
Please tell me you put your mouth on the spout at the bottom and poured the blended meat into your gullet.
ReplyDeleteOh wow! That must be really hard. And it's pretty obvious that you lost a lot of weight. I might have a wisdom tooth extraction anytime soon, and I'm afraid that I might lose a lot of weight too. =| Wish me luck!