Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Braces are Hazardous

I have come down with yet another sickness and now I believe that my braces are harvesting some sort of bacteria that keeps making me sick. Yet another reason to take them off.

But this is not the height of their hazard.

Due to said sickness/sore throat/yelling over top of a jazz band at a birthday party, I lost my voice and when I do try to speak, loud hacking coughs ensue. The kind of coughing that kept me up at 5am last night. :(

Since I have to talk while waiting tables, my smart idea was to keep a cough drop in my mouth so that I could stop coughing long enough to explain the menu. I was trying to avoid that gross situation where you're like "oh my god our server keeps coughing into her hands and then bringing people bread baskets!"

Instead I created a far worse situation. You see I refuse to take my rubber bands out for longer than 5 minutes because its the only thing standing between me and freedom. But the rubber bands with the cough drop was extremely hard. ... I'll just cut to the chase.

The cough drop flew out of my mouth and landed on the guests shirt.

The irony: she also was a grown woman with braces.

I wish I could say that this was not as bad as it sounds. But in fact, it was actually worse than it sounds. Far worse.

On the bright side, I filed my taxes today.
The fact that this is the bright side means something.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday... jerk.

Yeah yeah yeah Happy Birthday. I used to LOVE birthdays. It's the one day out of the year that its YOUR day. And I really believe that. From the moment you get up until you go to bed, everything gets to be about you. And you don't have to apologize for it. There's no, "Oh you go ahead and have the big piece of cake, " or "Oh no, let me get the check."

Nope. Its your day.

So despite my desire to skip this birthday, I will honor it because I can't help myself. Happy Birthday Braces... you made it a year, and for all I know, you might make it another.

(Please God no...)

Well, I didn't get them a cake, or ice cream. But I did take their picture. In fact, why don't we celebrate their year of growth, shall we?

Day before braces:

Braces Day 1:

One Year Later:

Braces Day 1:

One Year Later:

In a way this year flew by. It seems like only yesterday I had those crazy dagger things on the back of my teeth and I was putting meat in the blender.

I missed my blog last week on the appointment update. I wrote it... and then my time was swallowed whole by work/class/life.

The gist is this: we are waiting until my overbite is completely fixed, and I have no idea when that will be and also, this was not my idea. I was told the line between my top and bottom teeth needs to be gone-

So, next appt. April 13th. I'm disappointed. Mainly for my acting career more than anything. But, I shouldn't put the cart before the horse? Or is this the gift horse one? You know what I mean, I can't stop now.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Delay? I Laugh in the Face of Delay

Two weeks ago the doc had me all freaked that my teeth were having a huge delay because of a bite and midline issue. Well what do I say to that now? Mwah HA HA HA HA.

I discovered in the last couple days that my midline was still off, but in a weird way. Because it was off in the opposite direction. For those who don't know, the midline is the center line between your two front teeth. The hope is that the center line on the top will match up with the center line on the bottom. Well, this entire time My top line was shifted to the left, but YESTERDAY it was shifted to the right!!! So I didn't wear my bands to bed last night and when I woke up, my midline was PERFECT! OMG SO EXCITING!!

So I called the office today, because although my next appointment is on Tuesday, I didn't want to stop wearing the bands and have yet again ANOTHER delay. They said its ok if it over corrects a little but I should now only wear those bands at night.


Yes that is hoo ra like the marines hoo ra that they probably yell after a gun fight. Hoo Ra!

Why else am I so excited? When I bite down, all the teeth hit at the same time! Its like magic!! Its too late now, my hopes are up and I plan to get these FREAKS OF NATURE off my teeth by March 16th. I am determined, it will be done. And when it does I will yell Hoo Ra off of the Hollywood Hills.