... at the end of this wire stabbing, tylenol popping, speech lisping, liquid diet, dark, dark, tunnel.
No the braces are not off yet. But it's so much closer I can feel it!! Just two days ago I was saying how I needed a Rally. Well, I think I got one!
Today was my 12 week appointment. For those who follow religiously, it was supposed to be Dec. 16th but they moved it. Yay for me!
Comments from the Doctor:
"Honey (he calls me that) you are doing a great job. Those teeth are really looking great!"
"Your left side is almost completely done, that's the side to cheat on the rubber bands, if you're going to."
"Maybe we should just take them off now!!"
I swear he said that last comment. I swear. I swear on my braces. And if I'm wrong, well then you'll just have to take my braces away from me, now won't you?
The lady at the front desk even said they are looking great!
To keep things moving they did tons of work today. And I am just PLEASED! First off, probably the best news ever, the news I have waited for 9 months for- THE BITE RIM IS GONE!!!!
It's so amazing! I am lisp free!! The weirdest part though is that the gum overgrew a little since I couldn't brush it but apparently it will move back.
Also, the slinky-spring thing did its' job and is off too! I am thrilled for that because that was a pretty big source of pain. Unfortunately, while doing its' job and making space for an implant, it rotated the tooth next to it, which now has to be rotated back. So I have a weird metal chain on the inside of my teeth now. More pain, and cuts my tongue, but hey, I feel like it is a trade off you know?
Ok, there is a slight negative (I mean besides the obvious, glaring, excrutiating pain that has become a part of my daily mantra). I got a new rubber band formation, back to 4 bands, and one of them is what you might say, more visible. BUT! The visible one only has to be worn at night!
So the plan for now is the next scheduled appointment - Feb 17th. And then we will check what else is to be done, but I should be close to having them off. I'm still shooting for no later than March 16th, exactly a year.
For a nice closing, I include another comparison photo. I know, I know, you're sick of my face.
So just look at my teeth, geez.