Remember these? I do. I was definitely a child of the slinky age. In fact recently I was discussing with friends our jealousy of the children with the kid size range rover's and jeeps you could ride around in. We were not the rich kids with jeeps. I had toys like the wooden bowl with the string and ball. Or this slinky here. Am I jealous now of these kids with jeeps? Sure, they are now referred to as the kids with Mini Coopers and BMW's. If I had a kid would I get them a kid size jeep? Of course not. They can have just as much fun with a slinky or a basketball.
Right now you are probably wondering why I am going on a rant about slinky's. Well, the answer is because I have one in my mouth.
For real.
Except this slinky SUCKS.
Basically they put this coil looking thing to push those two teeth apart. AND IT HURTS. I need 8mm to get the implant and apparently I have it in the gum line but not at the top where the two teeth tip together.
That reminds me of a speech we use to do in high school before a show:
The tip of the tongue,
taking a trip,
of three steps,
down the palate,
to tap at two
upon the teeth.
Sorry, today is clearly a day where my mind wanders. It must be the i-buprofen. Or, OOOH something shiny...
So anyway. My trip to the ortho today was just to get my ties changed (All-you-can-eat Korean BBQ, while delicious, stains my braces) and report the info on the 8mm. I walked out with the slinky. But I also have an achievement!
Apparently my teeth are touching on their own on the left side so I don't need that triangle rubber band! Success!! Huzzah!! Woo Hoo!! I can officially chew with half of my mouth!!!!!
A couple new photos for viewing pleasure:
This is where my teeth touch!
You can see part of my bottom teeth when I smile!!