B: is for Brushing my teeth in the airport public restroom. Typing of the airport, who knew JFK was awesome?? I always fly through LaGuardia because I live 15 minutes away. But JFK is GLORIOUS in comparison. President Kennedy, I hope they made you proud.

R: is for the rest and relaxation I hope to get when I am not painting, sanding, or cleaning my parents new Florida home.
A: is for my slight Allergy to the sun. I love the sun. And it loves me back. Only it shows me like a boy in middle school. Pointing, teasing, and red rash all over my body. Seriously Sun- give me break. The braces make me feel uncomfortable enough.
C: is for checked luggage. I have brought an obscene amount of luggage - because this is how I am moving to California. Bag by bag I am moving it through airplanes and shipping. Luckily Jet blue does not charge for your first checked bag. Anyone flying from NYC to LA or DTW - would you like to take a bag for me? Just ignore all the announcements at the airport implying I have filled the bag with drugs or other illegal substances. I would never do that...
E: Everyone's having fun?
S: is for Sisters Unite!! Abbe and Maggie (and Tim my brother-in-law) will be there joining my parents. I can't wait. But to be honest I am excited and nervous about the familial reaction to the new smile. I never got over that comment about my fluffy hair Maggie. It's not fluffy, it's full. There's a difference.
V: is for Verry Berry Smoothie, vacations, and Vunderlich = all things I like.
A: is for Adding new location to my "places I have traveled which makes me think I am cooler than you." For the record - 3rd city to see the braces.
C: is for Circus Boy. Magic Hat Circus Boy. Had it for the first time today at the airport. Chewing? Not necessary. Enjoyment? Mandatory.
A: is for Accessibility to liquids. We can no longer bring liquids to the airport because of "some" bigshot with "some" bad attitude who ruined flying. Well, has anyone thought about the people who CAN NOT CHEW???? You would think this is a small population. But as I look around at the people boarding this plane to Florida, I would say 60% of us can't chew. Probably only 20% have their own real teeth.
T: is for Tan. As in sun tan. As in the sun tan I will be watching my family members get. Fingers crossed for no heat rash, just So MANY FRECKLES!
I: is for Internet at the airport! You can't stop me from blogging! Mwah ha ha ha. ANOTHER reason to love Jet Blue. I am apparently their new spokesperson.
O: is for Ontario. Soooo happy to not be going there. Florida here I come!
N: is for Not gaining weight on vacation for the first time ever. No gorging on delicious fried foods = No vacation weight. Definitely positive... but still missing fried seafood, cheese, and chicken.