Sunday, February 28, 2010

California LOVES braces!

I have decided that the state of California including Los Angeles LOVES Braces. How have I come to that conclusion? Well, I'll tell you.

First of all, let me switch into my soon to be vernacular:

Californians totes love braces. It seems like whenevs I mention I'm getting braces, to my SoCal peeps, their like "Whoa, Bra, that's hella crazy." Then their eyes glazed over looking into the sweet rays while they say "Awesome- dude." Also, all of their braces-wearing people get to live in a totally legit area and get to go to 'illin restaurants. I know this cuz I didn't see a single person with braces, including people aged 10-14, the appropriate braces-wearing age.

Ok, I can't do that anymore.

There are some pretty gorgeous people here, but it is still just another city. It comes down to this: no matter where I live, I am getting braces on and will feel a touch awkward. In the meantime, I am eating tons of food that have the potential to get caught in my soon-to-be bracketed teeth.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Have you ever MET an adult with braces?"

I did not come to this decision of getting braces lightly. I had been self-conscious of my LARGE gums for a long time. (see figure 1.1) I have a bit of a horsey look because of them. (see figure 2.1) And after seeing my film Bilal's Stand on a movie theatre screen I knew something needed to be done.

I went to the dentist to get the gums removed with a laser (yikes!) It didn't happen. The dentist's exact words in response to my request were, "Picture a garage door that's crooked, on top of a cement driveway that's also crooked. Not too bad? Then I fix the garage door and make it straight. Now the driveway looks really, Really, HORRIBLY Crooked. THAT is what your TEETH would look like if I lasered away your gums."


So I went to the orthodontist for her opinion, thinking I would walk out of the office with plastic, removable, brace things. Her exact words were "It's great that you want to look better. Everyone wants to look better. But you have serious medical problems that need to be addressed. And invisalign is not an option."

Needless to say, I'm getting braces. The following are quotes from friends when I told them the news. To be fair, some of them found the idea to be so ridiculous they thought I was being melodramatic and said some not-so-helpful things. Their names have been changed to protect their identity because I still love them.

"Why, so you can look 15 again?" - B. C.
Follow up response: "Well if it makes you feel any better, I had braces for 6 years."

"No, Chels, that's horrible. Don't do it." - Bar-bie
Follow up: "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I had braces for 5 years."

"Have you ever met an adult with braces? Go meet one. Their weird." - Mr. Jeffasaurusrex

"Dude, you're going to feel so bad about yourself. You will never want to smile. I knew one adult with braces. She was the librarian. I called her 'Braces.' Ms. Brower
Follow up: "The time will fly by. And you won't really feel that bad."

"Oh because your teeth are crowded? Yeah that makes sense. I bet you'll look super cute in braces." - Awesome boyfriend.

While overhearing part of my conversation-
R: "I had a real problem with them when I first moved to New York."
Me: "Braces?"
R: "Oh, I thought you said racists."

Winning Quote! - "I had braces for 4 years and I looked stunning the entire time." -Cyn

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I have begun a blog instead of washing the dishes.

I am a genius at procrastination lately. And to prove it, I have started a blog. I imagine few will read this. But I guarantee I will write this.

My dentist/ orthodontist appointments are set. So is my plane ticket to L.A. - to visit anyway. In one week I will be basking in the SoCal sun, looking for neighborhoods to potentially live in, eating some quality Mexican food, and pretending that my insides are not freaking out while contemplating my upcoming adventure. In one week and 3 days I will be taking my X-rays and molds? I don't know exactly what they do, but I hope it doesn't hurt.

I am 25 going on 26, going on pubescent brace-face. I am just grateful that I am not also breaking out and trying to find a date for the school dance.